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Our Process

Preliminary Assessment

We will assess the planning potential of a site, including opportunities for development, constraints, its location, local politics and we will consider how we can promote the site maximise its financial value.



We will make a written offer. We typically offer to pay landowners legal and agency costs and also make a non-refundable payment to the landowner as a premium at the signing of the agreement.


Agree Promotion Agreement / Option

We will agree Heads of Terms and our solicitors will draft the promotion agreement or option.


Promote the land

We will start promoting your land. We will appoint a multi-disciplinary team covering design, planning consultancy, highways design, flooding and drainage and typically specialist advice on landscape, ecology, noise, heritage archaeology. We will undertake public consultation and political engagement, make representations to the local plan and undertake pre-apps.



At the right time, we will work up and submit an application.  We will then manage the application process.


Potential Appeal

The nature of planning is that applications are often wrongly refused. Where we believe this to be the case, we will submit and manage an appeal, including appointing barristers and other specialist advice where needed.


S106 and Planning Obligations

Once we are successful, we will negotiate planning obligations with the Council. We have specialist consultants who will ensure that we pay the right amount of money.



Working with the landowner or their agent, we will sell the land. Often, we are able to identify a buyer ahead of the planning permission grant, which enhances our ability to get planning by demonstrating deliverability and saves time selling the site. If it is a promotion agreement we are then paid a fee from the proceeds, usually comprised of our costs to date, plus a percentage linked to the sales value. If it is an option agreement the purchase price is usually at a discount to the market value and we will resell the option to a developer to crystalise our profit. 

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